vudu Watch Movie Dune (1984) Online Free Site

writer Frank Herbert

7 of 10 Stars

Cast Kyle MacLachlan

117705 votes

Genre Sci-Fi, Adventure


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Adore this film, but I have to admit having read the book that your version flows better, also kudos for getting rid of irulan's oh, I forgot to say line at the beginning. That always bugged me ever since my first viewing. What an absurdly clunky bit of dialogue. Even as a kid of ten or eleven watching the film for the first time I wondered how that line got past an edit. EDIt: actually, having thought about it now, I think Villeneuve has a hell of a lot to live up to with his adaptation. I'm cautiously optimistic, but I worry that (if blade runner 2049 is any indication) that it'll be at least competent, somewhat visually striking, but a bit cold and austere, lacking some of the soul that this version has.


Favorite quote: “THE TOOTH. ”. This is what really happened to Agent Cooper when he entered into the Black Lodge. Not familiar with the story but it looks like this device seeks out and tunes into the resonant frequency of its target and then excites that target with a focused beam of sound, increasing the response amplitude of the object/target until it eventually fails. VERY creative and interesting concept weapon. Very good collection, I enjoyed watching this, it reminds me of why like this movie so much over all the years. You might want to tun down the background music a few dB though.

I just finished reading the book "Dune" and it is one of the greatest books that I have ever read. But if you wish to watch this movie and you have not read the book, I advise extreme caution. Don't get me wrong, there were certain parts of the movie "Dune" that I really enjoyed. However, a person who has not read the book will be thoroughly confused by the plot, I can assure you of that. But, If all you're looking for is a nice Science Fiction Flick to watch, then I highly recommend it. But, if you're looking for Oscar type material, then you're going to be very disappointed.
I give the MOVIE Dune 6/10. Patric Stewart has been old for 40 years.

I've read the Frank Herbert's Dune this summer and I became a great fan of his work... And - what must happened - I've seen Dune by Lynch... And what can I say? I dont like Lynch, and after watchin Dune and I hate him. This movie is really made by man who hadnt read the book, or didnt like it. br> I gave this movie 2/10...

Who is the artist of the last one honored matre picture. I never heard of this film until I saw everyone posting about the remake. Lol that animal at 0:20 wasn't having any of it. Lol best thing ever subbed. To mention Marvel for Black Panther's Dora Milaje. A masterpiece that has enthralled audiences for generations, the novel Dune is in my opinion one of the greatest novels ever written. It will immerse you in a universe based on humanity, yet so far distant from our present and so detailed in culture and language, that you would believe Frank Herbert to be from the worlds of Dune himself. In working with David Lynch, he has brought his imagination to the screen. I had to watch the movie 7 times before I understood everything. A movie like this captures the imagination of even those who do not like science fiction and pulls them to a place of beauty, horror, prophecy, religious zeal, political intrigue, power, and destiny. I highly recommend this novel to anyone.

When I first watched this movie, I was like holy shit, it's the guy from Das Boot. And he looks just like he does in that, only with a bath. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

I love that some of the favourite quotes are variations on graaaaaaaaaaarrrrghhhh. :D. My uncle kisses me more passionately than that. And you are my finger! You tempt fate! I tempt my finger. This was easily the most incoherent movie I have ever seen. How anyone can give it a "10" is beyond me. You all must be some SERIOUS fans of the book b/c no one in their right minds could give this movie a 10, standing alone. I like this film. Not the best version of Dune by a long shot, but still good. The Harkonnens were too ugly and weird and grotesque though and it remains a mistake to have let David Lynch write the script.


So male led armies would be inherently predatory but females wouldn't? What about the honoured matres then. South Park brought me here. 4:06 most badass scene in the movie. Since they formed the honored matres, they DID turn on the populace. Many years ago I tried watching the movie, never passed the 15' mark. A few years after that I started the book. And just yesterday I stumbled upon your edit and finally got round to watching it. I am glad I did, you got yourself a pretty kino movie. Absolutely love this film.
Ticks all the sci-fi boxes.
A fantastic storyline, great script, brilliant characters, top acting.
Can the remake really live up to the original? That's a tough order...

Sean Young sure was hot back in the day. Even when she was Ray Finkle. I wish the whole movie was as badass as that scene. I love this movie and always will, but this scene is better than the climax.



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